Wire Harness

The cables are bound together by clamps, cable ties, cable lacing, sleeves, electrical tape, conduit, a weave of extruded string, or a combination thereof.
The company manufactures specialized cable assembly for white goods, office automation, and medical diagnostic equipment, electrical and electronic equipment.
Latest Manufacturing Equipment
- Skilled and Trained manpower
- State of Art Testing Equipment
- Stringent Quality Control
- Flexible in quality, Fast Response to Customer Requirement
- World-Wide Components Sourcing Capability
By the reality of its international affiliations, spread of global customer base, Miracle has experience of working with a wide range of international quality systems, customers and in-house quality functions; there is a continuous interchange of views towards the better goal.
A zero compromise on quality culture that prevails the organization, allows Miracle to deliver the highest quality products and meet customer expectation to the international standard.
Total Quality Activities
- Meet customer requirements
- Reduce development cycle times
- Timely demand flow manufacturing
- Improvement Teams
- Reduce product and service cost
- Continual training systems